I like the conclusion of the article.

To me the wars are not about scalability solutions against each other but rather between the decentralized permissionless systems and the centralized permissionless system.

Cheap-to-use EVM-compatible systems are likely to be the first choice for the users, at least for the next few months, and we want EVM-compatible solutions that can inherit Ethereum security so current projects can go there instead of BSC - which although centralized would make sense for those projects interest.

That would give enough time to proceed to the next stage of L2 where EVM compatibility might become less important as some projects can afford to migrate to domain-specific L2 that makes sense for them, and still on top of ETH (or any sufficiently decentralized system that would exist at that point)

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Curious as to why ZKRollups/ Loopring type L2 which is already in production has been excluded especially since Vitalik is most optimistic about ZKRollups as the long term solution he finds most promising?

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Ah I didn't exclude them on purpose - I talk about Loopring all the time :)

There are other scalability solutions that I didn't cover as well - it's a bit hard to mention every single one of them every time I write a piece about layer 2 that's all!

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Yes indeed. Just meant from the poll. If it was in the poll I su suspect the numbers would look very different. We already know which one Vitalik expressed as hid canonical choice. :) So this poll is kind of like polling EVs and not including Tesla as a choice.

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