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Ethereum and DAPPs like Uniswap, Synthetix, etc. will push the whole world of assets to the next level. Just imagine Liquidity Pools for Stock to Stock swaps (Apple, Tesla, ...). Ethereum enables everyone to participate in the revolution of finance. The next years will be absolutely wild. Apps like Robin Hood are pushing stocks into the mainstream which essentially will further increase the potential market for DEFI. Ethereum pushes low level financial infrastructure to be a common good for the masses. Dapps enable everyone to essentially be a bank and profit from something only traditional stock exchanges and banks profited before.

10k really is a low ball estimate on where this is going short term... paired with massive inflation of $ we can easily see another 100x or even 1000x in the next 10 years.

It will be terrifying and we will see some governments trying to stop this while others embrace it. Governmental and institutional FOMO will be the endgame that leads to massive adoption of Ethereum as a global settlement layer, saving trillions in costs for infrastructure and integration, bringing the world closer together.

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